Thursday 26 February 2015

Sudden death syndrome

What is Sudden Death Syndrome?

Sudden death syndrome describes a sudden, unexpected death which may occur during sleep, whilst awake, or just after exercise. Most sudden deaths are due to a heart condition and are known as sudden arrhythmia death or sudden cardiac death syndrome.

Sudden arrhythmia death is most commonly due to a serious abnormal change to the heart's rhythm known as an arrhythmia, such as ventricular tachycardia.

Sudden cardiac death describes a sudden death as a result of an un-resuscitated cardiac arrest or heart attack.

Who is at risk of sudden death syndrome?
Sudden death syndrome can occur to anyone.

What causes sudden death syndrome?
There are a number of heart conditions that can cause sudden death syndrome however the cause of sudden death can often remain unknown until a post-mortem has been performed. The majority of victims have no warning signs or prior symptoms.

What can be done to prevent sudden death syndrome?
The majority of sudden deaths are due to inherited heart conditions. Screening family members where there has been a heart condition or a previous sudden death, including a sudden infant death (SIDS), could identify pre-existing conditions that may cause sudden death. Appropriate treatment could then prevent or reduce the risk of sudden death occurring.

What can be done to prevent sudden death syndrome?
The majority of sudden deaths are due to inherited heart conditions. Screening family members where there has been a heart condition or a previous sudden death, including a sudden infant death (SIDS), could identify pre-existing conditions that may cause sudden death. Appropriate treatment could then prevent or reduce the risk of sudden death occurring. 

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